Our Treatments & Staff

Our treatments are all performed by Board Certified and Licensed professionals.

Here are Dr. Darren Yu performing Chiropractic therapy and
Dr. Jennifer Tsai performing Acupuncture therapy.







Here is James Chang perfoming Tui-Na and Acupuncture Therapy.




Here are our wonderful soft tissue experts Anna and Kathy performing Acupressure therapy. They are both licensed massage therapists.







Here are our friendly wellness assistants, Laura and Mariana, that will welcome you to the office help you with everything else.









We look forward to seeing you in the office


Our Philosophy

Blissful: a state of profound satisfaction, happiness and joy, a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.

Wellness: a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well being; constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential; an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing the treatment of disease

Office Info

  • Call for an appointment 909.276.7168
  • Monday - Friday
    8:30AM - 12PM
    1:30PM - 5PM
    Tuesday & Saturday:
    Closed Sunday