Blissful Wellness Acupuncture and Chiropractic


Perhaps you are a witness to the benefits of Holistic health, wellness and other alternative therapies… Now you can share this powerful healing energy with your children. Or perhaps you are tired of modern medicine not getting it right and your child having been on more antibiotics than your comfortable with. We can treat colds and flu, cough, sniffles and sore throats; allergies and asthma and other breathing disorders; belly aches from colic, constipation and diarrhea; growing pains and torticollis; food sensitivity and nutritional concerns; eczema, acne and other skin conditions; attention, social and cognitive disorders; insomnia related sleep issues and bedwetting; ear aches and infections; teething pain; asthma and allergies; weakened immune system; and headaches or migraines.

What to Expect
On the whole, children are robust and extremely receptive to healing. While they may get sick easily, with the right treatment they can recover quickly and flourish. Your child's sessions will be catered to his/her unique needs and includes a full physical exam and assessment (standard with every visit). The visit also may include acupuncture and/or acupressure; Chiropractic; Tui-na (Chinese Therapeutic Massage); essential oils and a Chinese Herbal prescription; homeopathic remedies and nutritional counseling plus parental education.

We will discuss upcoming developmental milestones and relevant parenting concerns. We will provide natural, safe, and effective solutions for everything from colic, teething, and baby's first cough, to more complex or chronic conditions that may arise as your child grows.

At our clinic, our solutions provide amazingly effective health solutions for both adults and children. Chinese herbs treat a myriad of symptoms and conditions that often cannot be resolved with western medicine, and acupuncture works synergistically to optimize treatment and bring the whole body into balance. Chiropractic treatment allows children to grow symmetrically and without pain.

Kid-Specific - Oriental medicine recognizes that physiologically, children just aren't the same as adults. Children's bio-energetic systems aren't fully formed, so the meridians are closer to the surface of their skin than with adults. As a result, a child's Qi is easy to access by stimulating the skin, and kids respond very quickly to treatment - fast results are great for kids as well as parents. For chiropractic, children's bones are still growing so we use gentle, specific techniques designed to make your child grow correctly.

How old does my child have to be?
We have treated babies to adolescents in the clinic. However each child is different. Please discuss it with your child before bringing them in for treatment. Most adults can rationalize any fear of needles/adjustments in order to receive the benefits of treatment. But for kids, grown-up mind tricks aren't always so easy. Needles and adjustments can be scary, even when they don't really involve any pain!


Our Philosophy

Blissful: a state of profound satisfaction, happiness and joy, a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.

Wellness: a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well being; constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential; an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing the treatment of disease

Office Info

    Call for an appointment 909.488.3679
  • Monday - Friday
    8:30AM - 12PM
    1:30PM - 5PM
    Tuesday & Saturday:
    Closed Sunday